Want more gigs? Write a book.
I’ve been on gig hiatus in Panama since August, about three months now. My wife and I recently visited Arlington, Texas for the holidays, where I decided to organize a happy hour / book signing event, since I very recently published a book.
This was a private event was for a few friends and acquaintances only, my personal DFW VIP list. It was also an excuse to get together with friends I haven’t seen in a while, and of course to drink a few craft beers. I did also manage to sign and sell a few books.
Many of my DFW friends are musicians. Consequently, one of those musician friends, also on my event VIP list, organizes an annual pro jam event, at which he invited me to sit in on drums and vocals. I took him up on it and got to share the stage with a number of great musicians. This was all a little accidental, but a great reminder that networking, even with some of your best friends, can be a great way to get gigs. My book is about and for gigging musicians, so I have no doubt that the whole book signing thing generated a tiny bit of interest in having me join the pro jam event.
I’m all about paid gigs.
This wasn’t a paid gig. Everyone that knows me knows that I’m all about paid gigs and getting paid what you’re worth, but here’s the thing.
- I reconnected with about a dozen musician friends from my memorable past
- I connected with another dozen musicians who I didn’t even know
- I re-established a musician’s network in Arlington and the greater Dallas-Fort Worth area
Okay fine, I’m not going to get calls for gigs next week, especially since I’m currently living in Central America; but you know what? I bet I can nurture my re-established network and land a gig very soon. I know that I really want to, and probably will.
Can you create an excuse to reconnect?
So what about you? Can you write a book, or create something else that gives you an excuse to reconnect?