About Robonzo

Host of The Unstarving Musician's Podcast, Author, Drummer, Vocalist, Marketeer.

Starting Over in Austin–Lara Price

Lara Price is an Unstarving Musician’s Podcast alumni from early episode 4. Similar to my recent conversation with country singer songwriter Mira Goto, this is a progress update of sorts. It’s been almost one year since my last interview with Lara. At that time she had just made a [...]

2021-11-07T10:01:57-06:00April 20th, 2018|Marketing, Podcast|

SoFar Sounds Kansas City–Tony Di Silvestro

Sofar Sounds is a global organization who’s mission is to reimagine live events through curated, secret performances in intimate settings; and they are attempting to do just that in over 350 cities around the world. My guest for this episode of the podcast is Tony Di Silvestro of Sofar Sounds [...]

2020-12-20T08:19:00-06:00April 6th, 2018|Marketing, Podcast|
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