Bradford and Kimberly Loomis are of the dynamic duo, married couple variety. Kimberly is highly involved in Bradford’s career. Among her contributions are tech support, photography, co-writing, and community management.
Our conversation opens with how Bradford was thrust back into music following economic change and a job loss. It sounds like it’s turned out to be the best career choice that’s ever been forced upon him. ?
He has a weekly Facebook live broadcast on which he performs, conducts guest interviews, and interacts with his growing community. Bradford sees these broadcasts as a channel for supporting others, as much as he sees it as a place to share his music. Cutting out the middleman is a primary focus for the Loomis’. My favorite example is that they host their own subscription platform for patrons. This is in lieu of Patreon, a wildly popular platform for subscription based communities. They also created their own recording label.
We discuss all of this plus their entrepreneurial take on the business of music, Bradford’s music mastermind group, house shows (aka house concerts), how his partnership with Kimberly is making a difference in his career, and much more.
BONUS CONTENT (Follow-up Q & A with Bradford)
Robonzo: If you were starting your music journey over from the beginning, what would you do differently?
Bradford: I wouldn’t have waited so long to educate myself about the industry. Since I started in 2010, I really have had very little in the way of regrets. But, When I first started in 2000 before giving music up, I would have immersed myself in the entertainment industry and Intellectual Property.
Robonzo: What’s your number one way of dealing with the voices of self doubt?
Bradford: Helping others. Anytime I am feeling low or dealing with discouragement or doubt, I try to find someone that I can help. It puts the focus of life back in proper order. And it grounds me back in my values.
Robonzo: What habits or routines have best served you throughout your music journey?
Bradford: Grace. Allow myself grace to learn from my inevitable failures and setbacks. I make a list of goals every year, to do lists every week, manage my projects and tasks through some great technologies and I actively seek accountability and community. It helps propel me towards discipline and effectiveness.
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- Bradford’s house concert resource page
- Patronage without the Middleman (blog post by Kimberly Loomis)
- Bradley on Instagram
- Bradley on YouTube
- Shannon Curtis
- Jamie Hill
- Seattle Living Room Shows
- Blues, Folk and Change–Tony Harrah
- House Concert Tours & Community – Shannon Curtis
- Life and Songwriting on the Road–Crystal & Pete Damore