A Musician with Over 800 Tracks on Kompoz–Peter Rand (Ep 177)

This is the face of a man who has created over 800 tracks with Kompoz, Peter Rand. Peter Rand is a multi-instrumentalist and songwriter who I met on the collaboration platform Kompoz. You may have noticed my recent obsession with collaboration apps as of [...]

2020-10-09T14:31:55-05:00September 25th, 2020|Creativity, Podcast|

Disrupting The Music Industry—Alicia Rius (Ep 153)

SoundStorming is trying to disrupt the system that is the music industry, specifically how and where artists share their music, and today I’m joined by one of the co-founders, Alicia Rius. The app allows artists to share their music with an ever-growing and supportive community from the [...]

2024-08-02T14:18:46-06:00May 15th, 2020|Creativity, Performing, Podcast|

Making It Happen For Yourself—Camellia Akhamie Kies (Ep 150)

Camellia Akhamie Kies is an epic drummer and a new mom. She played drums throughout her  pregnancy and Camellia is now a case study as there weren’t many, if any, expecting moms playing drums at her level during pregnancy.A Navy Veteran, Camellia played for the US Navy [...]

2020-12-20T08:13:49-06:00May 6th, 2020|Creativity, Podcast|

Writing and Recording Music for the First Time in Years

Image by Bruno /Germany from Pixabay Any time I talk about how long it's been since I last did something, I hesitate to state how long its' actually been. That's vanity at work. Here for the gear list? Click here to go straight to the list below. [...]

2023-03-14T12:09:39-06:00April 29th, 2020|Creativity|

Confronting Limitations, Competition and Creating Opportunities —Danielle Eva Schwob (Ep 147)

Photo by @derekhutchstudio | Makeup by @bjohnsonstudio Danielle Eva Schwob is the artist behind Delanila. We spoke on the release day of her single, The Philosopher, part of the album Overloaded. Danielle is an accomplished musician, composer and is well-studied in musical arts. Originally [...]

2024-04-30T10:12:23-06:00April 24th, 2020|Creativity, Performing, Podcast|
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