Marketing and Selling Your Way to Paid Musician Gigs

But I Just Wanna Play! Deep down, you may feel that the only thing that really matters to you is playing. All the things that come along with it just aren’t important. You wouldn’t be alone. I’d just assume practice my instrument, work on my vocal skills, and perform. Okay, [...]

2016-09-21T06:52:08-05:00November 5th, 2015|Creativity|

How to Create Demand for Your Musicianship

Creating Demand for Your Musicianship Be Seen and Heard Getting yourself to a place of being in relative to outright high demand is an exercise in exposure. By exposure I mean simply, getting yourself both seen and heard. Put another way, you must create demand for your musicianship. There are [...]

2021-08-16T09:38:14-05:00September 27th, 2015|Creativity|

Make Money as a Musician Playing in Multiple Bands

I’ve been working regularly with four different bands over the past three years, and doing so has helped me get paid gigs. Here’s how and why you can make money as a musician playing in multiple bands. Control of Your Schedule Playing for more than one band has helped me [...]

2016-09-21T06:53:14-05:00September 11th, 2015|Creativity|

Relationships Will Get You Paid Musician Gigs

Building Relationships and Bands of Brothers Having a network of quality relationships will without a doubt help you get paid musician gigs as a musician. Whether yours is a band of bros or a band of brothers and sisters, there are benefits to letting your band be your extended family. [...]

2023-04-14T14:26:18-06:00September 3rd, 2015|Creativity|

Make Money as a Musician Booking a Year In Advance

In this post I’ll breakdown how relationships and working with multiple bands factor into how I book gigs a year in advance. This approach can help anyone make money as a musician by booking gigs a year in advance. This is yet another chapter exert from the forthcoming eBook, A [...]

2016-09-21T06:54:53-05:00August 19th, 2015|Creativity|

Getting Paid as Gigging Musician

Getting Paid as a Gigging Musician Getting paid as a gigging musician, and getting paid what your worth is an exercise in asking for a fee and knowing your market. Relationships are key here (more on this later). A great way to survey your market is to know what other [...]

2016-09-21T06:56:03-05:00August 7th, 2015|Creativity|
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