25 Things to Consider Before Booking Studio Time

While several of the tips below may come across as stating the obvious, you’ll likely find a gem or two. As someone who’s done recording sessions in high-end pricey studios, crappy studios and home recording environments, I really appreciate this list. It serves as a bunch of great reminders. [...]

2016-09-21T12:50:12-05:00June 15th, 2015|Creativity|

Lightweight Bass Drum Pedal

As a gigging musician, sans drum tech, I do my best to use lightweight gear. Drum sets are big and bulky enough without the added inconvenience of bulky, heavy stands and accessories. That’s my humble opinion anyway. I’ve gone as far as to special order some of my gear to [...]

2019-06-10T21:28:58-05:00June 8th, 2015|Creativity|

Rudiments and the quest for equal hand strength

As I started taking lessons for the first time in many years, I was immediately reminded of my right hand dominance. With what seems to be a weaker and less coordinated left hand, I'm challenged by rudiments. Probably nothing out of the ordinary for drummers, and I know that there [...]

2015-12-30T16:29:41-06:00September 27th, 2014|Creativity|

Musicians Marketing Workshop Speaker Notes

This past Monday, I co-hosted an event that I'd been trash talking about doing for months. It was an event intended to educate local musicians on marketing topics that could help them realize more of their music goals. I had the good fortune of securing two local performers who are [...]

2015-12-30T16:29:41-06:00August 15th, 2014|Creativity|

Mindful Breathing: An Important Part of Drumming

My friend Anne Jelinek knows all about mindful breathing. I've been practicing yoga for many years, and like with my drumming, I'm always learning something. A big part of yoga involves mindful breathing and movement. I was reminded of this recently, and it struck me that mindful breathing [...]

2017-03-20T11:58:43-06:00March 22nd, 2014|Creativity|
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