Today’s Indie Musician—Lara Price (Ep 166)

In this final installment of the Today’s Indie Musician series, my guest is Lara Price. We're acquainted from our time in the San Francisco Bay Area music scene. She has a new podcast called In The Trenches with Lara Price, where she shares thoughts on her own [...]

2022-07-09T10:35:24-05:00July 10th, 2020|Income, Performing, Podcast|

The Good That Can Come From Hard Times—Judy Rodman Part 3 (Ep 152)

Judy Rodman is joining us on the podcast for the third time. We wanted to talk about life for musicians during the pandemic. We talk about staying well, creating and learning, being useful to others and improving ourselves. Judy wants to prepare us for the fact [...]

2020-05-11T13:33:00-05:00May 13th, 2020|Income, Podcast|

How Creators Can Become Owners—Zack O’Malley Greenburg (Ep 149)

Zack O’Malley Greenburgh is the author of A-List Angels: How a Band of Actors, Artists and Athletes Hacked Silicon Valley. Zack is the Senior Editor of Media & Entertainment at Forbes Magazine, where he started working straight out of college. He is the author of many [...]

2023-10-29T10:45:40-06:00May 1st, 2020|Income, Podcast|

Facing Rejection and Staying Creative–Songwriter Tom Meny (Ep 107)

Singer-songwriter Tom Meny knows a thing or two about dealing with rejection and staying creative. In this repeat engagement, Tom and I chat about what to do when faced with rejection, his new podcast, and more. Episode Highlights In Tom's previous appearance on the podcast, we [...]

2021-11-07T10:01:56-06:00June 17th, 2019|Creativity, Income, Marketing, Podcast|

Why musician Ray Prim has a day job, and loves it! (Ep 52)

Ray Prim is a talented Austin based musician with a day job. He's widely seen as a performer with an onstage sense of humor, something he says he doesn't understand. I think I get his reputation. During the first 10 to 15 minutes of our conversation, he proclaimed his [...]

2022-03-20T13:48:14-06:00May 25th, 2018|Creativity, Income, Marketing, Performing, Podcast|
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