Why musician Ray Prim has a day job, and loves it! (Ep 52)

Ray Prim is a talented Austin based musician with a day job. He's widely seen as a performer with an onstage sense of humor, something he says he doesn't understand. I think I get his reputation. During the first 10 to 15 minutes of our conversation, he proclaimed his [...]

2022-03-20T13:48:14-06:00May 25th, 2018|Creativity, Income, Marketing, Performing, Podcast|

Mike Dawson’s Home Studio and Social Media Strategy (Ep 25)

Mike Dawson would tell you that he’s a total drum nerd, and he’d be right.  He might even go as far as to say he’s an all around dork, and he may be right.  I jest, and with much admiration and affection for the guy.  He’s one of the coolest [...]

2023-04-14T14:18:08-06:00November 17th, 2017|Income, Marketing, Podcast|
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