We Are All Musicians Now – Zack O’Malley Greenburg (Ep 226)

"Artists are canaries in the coal mine of modern business, experiencing seismic tech disruptions years before those in other industries. Follow the music, see the future." –Zack O'Malley Greenburg Zack O'Malley Greenburg is working on a new book project called We Are All Musicians [...]

2024-04-30T10:08:16-06:00February 14th, 2022|Income, Podcast|

Being A Successful Gigging Musician – Jared Judge (Ep 225)

Jared Judge is dissecting everything that goes into being a successful gigging musician. He's doing this on his Gigging Musician Podcast, in his book Gigging Secrets: The Underground Playbook to Making A Living Performing and with his music business app BookLive. We think very much alike [...]

2023-04-14T14:25:16-06:00January 28th, 2022|Income, Marketing, Podcast|

Building A Stock And Originals Music Library With Independent Musicians–Ori Winokur (Ep 224)

Ori Winokur is Head of Music at Artlist, a stock music licensing company that was in 2021 named one of the hottest startups in Tel Aviv by WIRED.  Stock music isn't for everyone. The concept may in fact be a turn off for many musicians. This [...]

2024-01-26T14:00:25-06:00January 14th, 2022|Creativity, Income, Podcast|

Writing Music With Preparedness In Mind–Bradford Loomis (Ep 220)

Bradford Loomis is a consummate DIY musician, and he's thinking more strategically with the passing years. Bradford Loomis has a 2019 song release called "Tried To Love A Woman." It was written as a compliment to his prior release "Righteous Kind." That song was [...]

2021-11-18T17:04:57-06:00November 19th, 2021|Income, Marketing, Podcast|

Lynz Crichton’s Music Marketing Method (Ep 215)

Full time independent musician is teaching others how to make money with their music. Lynz Crichton is the creator of Music Marketing Method, a program that shows musicians how to make money with their music. She is also a friend and mentor to me. [...]

2021-09-17T11:15:52-05:00September 17th, 2021|Income, Marketing, Podcast|

Cracking the codes of social media and playlists – JJ Lovegrove (Ep 214)

JJ Lovegrove is breaking the codes of social media and playlists and discovering lots of new friends followers in the process. JJ Lovegrove is cracking the codes of social media and Spotify playists. We discuss this and much more in our conversation for the [...]

2023-08-09T09:14:42-06:00September 10th, 2021|Income, Marketing, Performing, Podcast|
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