It’s Really All About Networking–Musician Lara Price (Ep 236)

In this episode Lara Price and I discuss the hosting jams, why jams make you a better musician and why they help you get gigs. We also talk about how acoustic performances are great for otherwise electric only bands and artists, how music education helped her develop [...]

2022-08-19T10:38:54-05:00August 17th, 2022|Marketing, Performing, Podcast|

Lucky Beats Good Sometimes – Chris Raspante Rewind (Ep 235)

This episode features musician and recording engineer Chris Raspante. It's a second look at our conversation recorded in May of 2017. It's a rewind episode, in which I dig deeper into past conversations. It's also an attempt to uncover insights that were perhaps lost in our [...]

2022-07-22T11:25:48-05:00July 22nd, 2022|Marketing, Podcast|

Dynamics, Creative Recording And Getting Gigs – Mike Dawson Rewind (Ep 234)

Photo by Brady Hartman This episode features Mike Dawson on dynamics, creative recording, getting gigs and more. It’s the first ever rewind episode of the Unstarving Musician, based on episode one of the podcast. In rewind episodes I’m digging deep into past conversations to [...]

2022-07-17T09:28:20-05:00July 8th, 2022|Creativity, Marketing, Podcast|

Creating A Business Around Your Music And Artistic Sides – Fabiana Claure (Ep 233)

Fabiana Claure is a concert pianist and educator who has created a business around her music and artistic sides. Teaching others how to do the same is her passion. Fabiana resides in the U.S., but has also lived in Bolivia and Cuba. She says that living [...]

2022-06-09T11:02:50-05:00June 10th, 2022|Income, Marketing, Podcast|

Kevin Breuner On Small Town Poets, CD Baby, Music Distribution And DIY Musician Education (Ep 232)

Kevin Breuner of CD Baby joins me in this episode to discuss music distribution, education for the DIY musician, his journey with CD Baby, his band Small Town Poets, and the DIY Musician podcast.CD Baby started out as a place where musicians could circumvent the middleman by [...]

2022-09-02T11:43:56-05:00May 20th, 2022|Income, Marketing, Podcast|
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