The Mystery of The Flounder – Cozi Anda Flounder (Ep 231)

My conversations with Cozi and Ezra Vancil did not reveal the mystery of the flounder that is Cozi Anda Flounder. I assume that Ezra is the flounder, but they weren't exactly forthcoming about the meaning of the flounder. Ezra implied that the band has vowed never to [...]

2023-12-21T14:55:12-06:00April 29th, 2022|Marketing, Podcast|

Stick To Your Guns And Your Vision–Harrison Marcello (Ep 230)

Stick to your guns and your vision is what Harrison Marcello of the rock band TEMPT recommends to young bands. This, he says, helps bands stay ready for whatever projects may come their way. He's a founding member, guitarist and one of the songwriters in TEMPT. [...]

2022-04-09T13:57:11-05:00April 9th, 2022|Marketing, Podcast|

Being A Successful Gigging Musician – Jared Judge (Ep 225)

Jared Judge is dissecting everything that goes into being a successful gigging musician. He's doing this on his Gigging Musician Podcast, in his book Gigging Secrets: The Underground Playbook to Making A Living Performing and with his music business app BookLive. We think very much alike [...]

2023-04-14T14:25:16-06:00January 28th, 2022|Income, Marketing, Podcast|

Success On TikTok Was Good Until It Wasn’t–Seth King (Ep 223)

Singer songwriter Seth King found that success on TikTok was good, until it wasn't. When we connected he had over 180K followers on the videocentric social network. Seth was taken by surprise with his TikTok success, but he embraced it. Today he's more focused on new [...]

2021-12-31T08:22:05-06:00December 31st, 2021|Creativity, Marketing, Podcast|

Translating Perfectionism And Passion Into Music–Michael Gilbride (Ep 222)

Michael Gilbride of telco has translated perfectionism and passion into his latest release please come home. He joins me to talk about his musical perfectionism, getting a late start on his music endeavors, and how not to have fun while making an EP. These are all [...]

2023-10-29T10:54:38-06:00December 17th, 2021|Marketing, Performing, Podcast|

The Excitement Of Press Coverage And “Amelia”–Otto (Ep 221)

UK music artist Otto found excitement over the press coverage for his summer release "Amelia." There was a noteworthy moment leading up to this excitement. Otto caught the attention of Eurythmics co founder Dave Stewart.Otto had been holed up in his historic post office apartment when we [...]

2023-09-29T14:09:18-06:00December 3rd, 2021|Creativity, Marketing, Performing, Podcast|
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