Take Control Of Your Music Career—Ryan Kairalla (Ep 129)

Ryan Kairalla is an artist advocate, entertainment lawyer and host of the Break The Business Podcast. He leverages his background in law, business, education, and entertainment to enhance the careers independent music artists–and to pursue big ideas. With his network of partners, collaborators, mentors, and friends, Ryan brings people [...]

2023-10-29T10:46:30-06:00November 1st, 2019|Creativity, Marketing, Performing, Podcast|

Effective Use of Digital Media for Musicians—Bruce Wawrzyniak (Ep 125)

My guest today is Bruce Wawrzyniak of Now Hear This. We talk about PR, promotions, social media, websites, placements and a whole lot more. I did a quick search for musician-focused podcasts and came across Now Hear This Entertainment by our guest, Bruce Wawrzyniak. His company has a focus [...]

2024-04-30T10:06:49-06:00October 4th, 2019|Marketing, Podcast|

Branding Your Music with Greg Wilnau (Ep 122)

Greg Wilnau, host of the Musician Monster podcast, joins me this episode. We talk about the Musician Monster website, which is a treasure trove of free resources, branding your music and making more money as a performing artist. Greg Wilnau has been on my radar for quite some time. [...]

2023-07-21T09:58:29-06:00September 20th, 2019|Marketing, Podcast|

Igniting Creativity and Restarting a Music Career–Glasys (Ep 120)

In this episode I speak with instrumentalist, vocalist, producer and songwriter Glasys on igniting creativity and restarting a music career.  We begin by discussing his immigration from Israel to Portland, Oregon and the process of discovering a new local music scene.  He also provides insight into the pivotal moments [...]

2024-03-08T13:57:26-06:00September 6th, 2019|Marketing, Performing, Podcast|

Giving Back to Austin’s Youth–Brian Wolff (Ep 119)

Brian Wolff of Fair City Fire is giving back to Austin's youth as Community Engagement Coordinator with a nonprofit called Kids In a New Groove. In this episode we talk about how this work and the mission keeps him connected to his music, the release of his band’s new [...]

2023-10-29T10:43:31-06:00August 30th, 2019|Marketing, Podcast|
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