House Concert Host Amy Killingsworth

Amy S Killingsworth founded and co-produces Amy & Gary’s House Concerts of San Antonio Texas. I’m fascinated with house concerts as of late, and this conversation was an opportunity to get the host perspective. Amy and Gary hosted their first show in April of 2016. Their 25th house concert [...]

2024-03-08T13:57:54-06:00July 20th, 2018|Marketing, Podcast|

Life and Songwriting on the Road–Crystal & Pete Damore

Life and songwriting on the road was the underscoring theme of my interview with Crystal & Pete Damore of Ordinary Elephant. We actually discuss a number of topics including how they've grown their Spotify audience, songwriting camps, the daily practice of object writing, music festival showcase gigs, and the [...]

2023-04-14T14:16:33-06:00July 10th, 2018|Marketing, Podcast|

Rediscovering Me–Singer Songwriter Jennifer Vazquez

Singer songwriter Jennifer Vazquez came to me out of the blue, the blue canvas of Twitter. I was checking my alerts, glancing at the feed and there she was, promoting her latest album Rediscovering Me. Jennifer grew up in and around the Bronx of NY. She has spent a [...]

2022-07-09T10:33:37-05:00June 29th, 2018|Marketing, Podcast|

Synesthesia and the Evolution of SHAPESCENES–Chase Anderson

SHAPESCENES is a reference to synesthesia. My guest in this episode is Chase Anderson, lead singer and guitarist for the Austin band SHAPESCENES. Chase says when he was a kid listening to music, he could close his eyes and see notes, tones and chords as specific complex shape and color [...]

2021-11-07T10:01:56-06:00June 22nd, 2018|Marketing, Podcast|

Touring, Podcasting and Rocking with Fair City Fire–Brian Wolff (Ep 55)

Brian Wolff is lead singer and guitarist for Austin based rock band Fair City Fire. Our conversation covers Brian's start in the music scene of Binghamton NY to his immersion in the Austin music scene. He shares lessons learned from touring, podcasting, college, business and marketing. His [...]

2023-04-14T14:27:42-06:00June 15th, 2018|Marketing, Performing, Podcast|
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