Chris Raspante on Serendipity, Networking, Reputation, Nashville, and The Wonders of Today’s Talent (Ep 002)

This episode of the Unstarving Musician’s Podcast features Chris Raspante. I first met Chris at a holiday jam session December 2016 in Fort Worth, Texas where I am from originally. Chris is a songwriter, recording engineer, and a successful gigging musician for hire. His guitar work has been featured [...]

2024-03-08T13:57:02-06:00August 2nd, 2017|Marketing, Podcast|

Mike Dawson on Gigging, Studio Gear, Music Ed, Early Music Influences, Marketing, and YouTube (Ep 1)

This "rewind" episode features Mike Dawson from his first appearance on the the Unstarving Musician, which was episode 1 of the podcast. Mike has also been featured in episodes 25, 50 and the "best of" episode 100. He is Managing Editor of Modern Drummer Magazine, a [...]

2023-04-14T14:18:07-06:00August 1st, 2017|Marketing, Performing, Podcast|

How Writing a Book Will Get Me Gigs

Want more gigs? Write a book. I’ve been on gig hiatus in Panama since August, about three months now. My wife and I recently visited Arlington, Texas for the holidays, where I decided to organize a happy hour / book signing event, since I very recently published a book. The [...]

2017-02-04T05:05:57-06:00January 4th, 2017|Marketing|

Here’s What Keeps Musicians from Getting More Gigs

In late October I had the pleasure of being featured on an episode of Gig Gab, The Working Musician’s Podcast.  In that episode, co-host Paul Kent asked me what the number one limiting factor is that keeps musicians from getting more gigs. Listen to the Gig Gab episode My response [...]

2017-02-04T05:06:26-06:00December 7th, 2016|Marketing|
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