Creating a Thriving Patreon Community—Rebecca Loebe (Ep 158)

Rebecca Loebe has been actively touring since 2010, which of course came to a pause during the pandemic. She had wisely been building a loyal fan base community on her own platforms and eventually on Patreon.We talk about the benefits of her community focus, as well as [...]

2023-10-29T10:45:04-06:00June 3rd, 2020|Performing, Podcast|

Live Streamed Shows In Isolation —Dean Johanesen Part 2 (Ep 156)

Dean Johanesen first appeared on the podcast almost 100 episodes ago. Dean is a regular performer, so this pandemic has hit him quite hard. Adjusting to the new normal, he pivoted into live stream performances, and I even caught a recent one on StageIt. As his [...]

2020-05-27T04:26:53-05:00May 27th, 2020|Performing, Podcast|

Disrupting The Music Industry—Alicia Rius (Ep 153)

SoundStorming is trying to disrupt the system that is the music industry, specifically how and where artists share their music, and today I’m joined by one of the co-founders, Alicia Rius. The app allows artists to share their music with an ever-growing and supportive community from the [...]

2024-08-02T14:18:46-06:00May 15th, 2020|Creativity, Performing, Podcast|

Confronting Limitations, Competition and Creating Opportunities —Danielle Eva Schwob (Ep 147)

Photo by @derekhutchstudio | Makeup by @bjohnsonstudio Danielle Eva Schwob is the artist behind Delanila. We spoke on the release day of her single, The Philosopher, part of the album Overloaded. Danielle is an accomplished musician, composer and is well-studied in musical arts. Originally [...]

2025-01-19T10:15:39-06:00April 24th, 2020|Creativity, Performing, Podcast|

Creating Emotion-Rich Vocals—Judy Rodman (Ep 133)

Judy Rodman is a return guest as well as an award winning vocal coach, recording artist, author, producer, singer-songwriter and more. I recently caught up with Judy in person in October and it was such a treat. Judy shares some of the powerful lessons and tips from her recently [...]

2023-10-29T10:43:29-06:00December 20th, 2019|Performing, Podcast|

Take Control Of Your Music Career—Ryan Kairalla (Ep 129)

Ryan Kairalla is an artist advocate, entertainment lawyer and host of the Break The Business Podcast. He leverages his background in law, business, education, and entertainment to enhance the careers independent music artists–and to pursue big ideas. With his network of partners, collaborators, mentors, and friends, Ryan brings people [...]

2023-10-29T10:46:30-06:00November 1st, 2019|Creativity, Marketing, Performing, Podcast|
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