Tom Meny (Rewind) – Austin’s Music Scene, Rejection, Writer’s Slump, Songwriting Groups, Songwriting Advice From Cindi Lauper And Shannon Curtis, Email Marketing, Getting Paid (Ep 253)

Photo by Rodney Bursiel Photography This episode featuring Tom Meny originally aired in June 2019. This is a rewind edition, in which I've edited the conversation to be more succinct and somewhat more relevant. Tom has appeared in two episodes of this podcast. In [...]

2023-02-27T10:43:15-06:00February 26th, 2023|Creativity, Marketing, Podcast|

Ryan Miller And Jay Lifton – Something From Tiffany’s, Guster, Their Journey Toward Film Scores, The Value Of Film Festivals, Music In Video Games (Ep 252)

My guests for this episode are the film-scoring duo Ryan Miller and Jay Lifton. Ryan is a founding member and the lead singer of Guster, who recently celebrated their 31st consecutive year of touring and recording. He has scored over 15 feature films and has worked with [...]

2023-02-17T12:00:19-06:00February 17th, 2023|Podcast|

Drew Ryder Smith – Website Platforms, Nashville, Texas Ties, Growing Up In Tennessee, Pneumonia, Songwriting Vocationally, Touring, Recording, The Origins Of Robonzo, And Legendary Drummers (Ep 251)

When not in the studio or playing on the road, Drew Ryder Smith can be found in Nashville or New York City – usually hanging out with any dog he sees. My guest for this episode is a country singer-songwriter, Drew Ryder Smith. He [...]

2023-02-11T10:33:24-06:00February 10th, 2023|Income, Performing, Podcast|

Stacey Bedford – $100 Million In Commission-Free Sales, Bees, Lessons Learned At Bandzoogle, The Value Of Unplugging, Advice To Musicians, And The Importance Of Websites For Musicians (Ep 250)

“We’re always looking to improve our features for musicians, and having robust eCommerce options for selling merch is at the top of that list. It’s so rewarding to see our members using these tools to make even more money through their websites.” –Stacey Bedford, CEO [...]

2023-02-03T10:02:00-06:00February 3rd, 2023|Creativity, Marketing, Podcast|

Dariann Leigh–New Songs, Pursuits In Pop, Creating A Sound, Songwriting, Journaling, Documenting Lyrics & Hooks, Theatre, Being A Solo Artist, Media Features, Release Strategy (Ep 249)

My guest for this episode is Dariann Leigh. She is described as red carpet glam and camo in a tree stand, big city beauty with small town humility. “As a kid,” Leigh says, “I remember closing my eyes, plugging my headphones in and listening to tracks [...]

2023-01-26T17:09:53-06:00January 27th, 2023|Creativity, Performing, Podcast|

Musician Websites – Choosing A Theme, Site Content, Search Engine Optimization, Email Forms And Incentives, Selling Merch, Music And Services, The Launch, And Continuity (Ep 248)

This is the final installment of the Unstarving Musician websites for musician series. I decided to call this one "Everything Else." You can find links to the first four episodes in the series in the show notes for this episode at, episode 248.Choosing A ThemeWe'll begin [...]

2023-04-14T14:19:23-06:00January 20th, 2023|Marketing, Podcast|
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