Thanks for your interest in a feature on the Unstarving Musician podcast.

Please take a moment to review the info below.

The Interview Format

The Unstarving Musician is a long-form podcast with conversational-style interviews. The goal is to share your journey with listeners so that they learn and be inspired. Conversations explore what’s working and what’s not working.

Most guests are independent musicians and industry professionals. Indie music fans and industry followers are also within my target audience.

I also strive to give listeners a glimpse into your weird little world. Hopefully, we’ll leave listeners with stories, tips, hacks, and lessons they can use in their journey.

Interviews typically run 30 to 45 minutes in length.

Photo by Expect Best from Pexels - Assorted Guitar Amplifier Lot

Here are some things that really help me.

  • You have a solid website
  • You have two great photos of yourself (600 x 600 and  1280 x 720 pixels)
  • You have an active social media presence
  • You are willing to share our episode with your audience

I’m an independent podcaster, looking for all the help I can get to increase listenership. The above items help me create quality episodes for my listeners.

Production Time

I’m fortunate to have a healthy backlog of booked and prerecorded interviews. Episodes are in our production queue for an average of 3 to 6 weeks.

Guest Match Form

Thanks for taking the time to read this. If you’re still feeling good about a guest spot on the podcast, please complete this Guest Match Form. No matter the outcome, know that I very much appreciate your interest.

Take me to the Guest Match Form.

With a whole lotta love and gratitude,

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Want to get a better feel for the topics we cover?

Subscribe to Liner Notes, my biweekly newsletter where I share insights from hundreds of musician and music industry interviews. It’s the perfect way to understand our audience and prepare for a potential interview.