Sabian has posted three great videos, featuring Jojo Mayer, for it’s Omni line. In the demo video series JoJo discusses his quest for a crash/ride that will actually do both. What he says he discovered in the Omni is a cymbal that not only does both, but really delivers a new kind of sound. I’ve not tried the Omni line for myself, and of course can’t really tell how sincere Jojo is about his testimony, but they sure sound great in the video, and Jojo is smokin’. Jungle is the best of the three demo videos, as it’s mostly Jojo playing.
Check the videos out here –
You can catch other good Omni demo performances by Chris Pennie and Elliot Jacobson. The Omni is positioned as a jazz players cymbal, but I for one would love to hear how they sound with a bit of the pop, rock and blues.

AAX Omni Jazz