Mike Osborn of The Mike Osborn Band, Blues Rock Guitarist, Singer Songwriter | Check out In the Dog House on CD BabyLast weekend I sent an email to my listener’s list asking what topics they’d like to hear discussed on the podcast. Thank you to all who replied! Among those who chimed in was San Francisco Bay Area blues-rocker Mike Osborn. We did a little back and forth via email, and I ended up inviting Mike to join me on the podcast for a listener questions episode. He kindly obliged.

Here are some of the topics and questions that listeners sent in, which also happen to be the ones Mike and I discussed in this episode.

  • What’s with the large demand for tribute bands?
  • What’s the proper etiquette for jams?
  • Who to approach and how to approach organizers of municipal events and festivals
  • Yes or no to backing tracks at live gigs?
  • Setting up gear checklists for gigs
  • Carrying extra gear for band mates

Here are a few takeaways that are summed up by the fact that we musicians sometimes lose sight of  a few facts. I’m no exception.

It’s not all about you!

Remember, your job is to make the rest of the band look good, to help venues have a great night of sales, and to serve your fans. Yes you should love the music you make, but no matter what level you’re at, you still have to serve others if you want to succeed.

Relationships rule

Whether it’s with venues, radio stations, record labels, festival organizers, promoters, or equipment manufacturers, relationships matter. We will always benefit from nurturing quality relationships, in person interactions, and real friendships. Think about that next time you ask for someone’s help.

True artistry & professionalism make just about everything acceptable.

Think bands that use backing tracks, tribute bands, or DJs suck? Look for people who take any of these things very seriously, and I’ll wager that you’ll find something in common with them. They strive for artistic expression and extreme professionalism. At least I hope you share this with them.

Do you agree, disagree, or are you scratching your head having read this? Listen to my conversation with Mike Osborn and/or shoot me a message via my About page, @robonzodrummer on Twitter or Facebook. I’d love to hear from you.

You can learn more about Mike Osborn and his music at MichaelOsbornMusic.net and @MikeOsbornBand on Facebook.

You can also hear this podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play Music, iHeartRadio, YouTube & Spotify.


Operation Freedom Paws
In the Dog House – Mike Osborn on CDBaby
D Grant Smith, host of The Appetizer Radio Show
Robonzo’s gig checklist/configuration (sample 1)
Robonzo’s gig checklist/configuration (sample 2)


Galaxy Audio AS900K8 In-Ear Monitor System


The Unstarving Musician’s Guide to Getting Paid Gigs
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